
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Tips and How to use Train in Tokyo, Japan

so today i want to explain to you guys about the tips and how to use the complicated train system in Japan, especially Tokyo.
for this post i will also write in Bahasa

jadi hari ini, aku mau jelasin ke kalian tentang tips dan cara menggunakan sistem kereta yang rumit di Jepang, terutama Tokyo.
Di post ini juga dijelaskan dalam bahasa indonesia.

Hopefully this post could answer all the confusing question. So lets get started.

Semoga post an ini bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan yang membingungkan selama ini. Ayo dimulai.

This post is based only from my experience, there still many more to explain regarding Tokyo transportation. But i will just share things that i have used while in Japan

Post ini sepenuhnya berdasarkan pengalamanku, masih banyak informasi lain tentang transportasi di Tokyo. Tapi aku akan bagikan hal-hal yang sudah aku gunain aja selama di Jepang.

First thing, what you need to know about Tokyo train lines is there are a few companies running it. I will just separate it into three
1. JR lines
2. Subway (tokyo metro line and toei line)
3. others (for example : keikyu line, odakyu line, etc)

Pertama, yang kamu harus tau mengenai jalur kereta di Tokyo adalah ada beberapa perusahaan yang mengoperasikannya. Lebih simpelnya akan aku bagi menjadi 3 bagian
1. JR lines
2. Subway (tokyo metro line dan toei line)
3. lainnya (contoh : keikyu line, odakyu line, etc)

So before buy the pass or ticket, one thing i will let you know is that u will walk a lot when you use train/subway in Tokyo, walking within platform could also takes a lot of time, seriously. In order to save your time, i suggest you to arrange the itinerary first.
Try use Google Maps, it helps a lot, you also can check the time schedule and what lines to take, how many transfer, even the price in Yen.

Jadi sebelum membeli tiket satuan atau terusan, satu hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah kalian akan jalan banyak ketika menggunakan kereta di Tokyo, pindah jalur aja bisa makan waktu banget. Supaya hemat waktu, aku saranin kalian untuk bikin jadwalnya terlebih dahulu
Coba gunain Google Maps, ngebantu banget, kalian juga bisa cek jadwal kereta, jalur kereta dan berapa kali pindah, bahkan harganya dalam Yen.

After you arrange the itinerary per day, next thing is to put the days where you use most of the subway (non JR) together. I will explain it why later.

Habis kamu atur jadwal per hari, hal selanjutnya adalah taruh hari dimana kamu akan gunain kebanyakan subway (non JR) bersamaan. Aku bakal jelasin kenapa nanti.


1. Ticket
You can buy individual ticket per trip, i dont really recommend it since it just waste your time or even waste money but i will explain it anyway.
In every JR and Subway station there will always be ticket machine.
You can change the language into English first (usually on the upper right)
And then choose how many person (there is button on the left)
after that choose the price. So in order to buy ticket you have to know first how much it cost.
The easiest way is using Google maps, it will tell you the price.
Then insert the money.
After getting ticket and change
just put the ticket into the gate, and DONT FORGET to take it back because you will need it on your way out.
In case after you go inside the train, then you decide to change destination or you just simply choose wrong fare, you can adjust it at "Fare Adjustment". You can find it at almost all station near the exit ticket gate.

Kamu bisa beli tiket individual per sekali jalan, aku ga rekomen cara ini karena bakal buang waktu atau bisa jadi lebih mahal tapi aku bakal tetap jelasin.
Kamu bisa temuin mesin tiket di semua stasiun.
Pertama, ubah bahasa menjadi english (biasa tombol di kanan atas ada tulisan english)
Lalu pilih berapa orang yang perlu tiketnya (ada tombol di sebelah kiri gambar orang)
Kemudian pilih harga tempuh per tiket. Jadi sistem kereta di jepang adalah kalian harus tau berapa harga tiketnya.
Cara paling gampang adalah pakai Google Maps
Lalu masukan uang
Setelah dapat tiket dan kembalian
masukan tiket ke lubang tiket di gerbang masuk platform, dan JANGAN LUPA ambil lagi karena kalian bakal perlu pas keluar platform.
Seandainya setelah masuk kereta lalu kalian ingin ubah tujuan atau salah pilih harga, kalian bisa ubah di "Fare Adjustment". Mesin ini dapat kalian temukan hampir di semua stasiun, dekat dengan jalan keluar platform.

2. IC Card
This is a kind of prepaid card where you can charge money inside and you just need to tap it when you go in and out of the station. Very easy and saving your time
There are 2 mains IC Card in Tokyo, they are Suica and Pasmo
You can buy any of them since there are no big differences.
The advantages is that you can use it at any JR and non JR lines, except Shinkansen.
The differences are just:
1. Suica
sold and refund at JR station
when you refund, they will cut 220 yen as the refund fee.
2. Pasmo
sold and refund at Subway station (Non JR)
you can get full refund when you return the card
When you buy the card for the first time, make sure to know that 500 yen will become deposit. So if you put 2000 yen, the balance will be 1500 yen, since the 500 become the deposit. But dont worry since you can get it back when you return it.
And other important thing to know when decide to buy it is the last destination of your Japan trip before going back. Because you only can refund it in Tokyo.
Suica and Pasmo also can be used for bus, vending machine, locker and many more.
You can also use it for train and bus in Kyoto and Osaka.

Mirip kayak kartu etoll, dimana kalian bisa isi uang elektronik ke dalamnya, lalu tinggal sentuhkan ke mesin saat masuk dan keluar stasiun. Gampang banget dan hemat waktu.
Ada 2 kartu yang dijual di Tokyo, yaitu Suica dan Pasmo
Tidak terlalu ada perbedaan besar di antara 2 kartu ini, jadi bisa pilih salah satu
Kamu bisa gunain di JR atau non JR, kecuali Shinkansen.
Sedikit perbedaannya:
1. Suica
dijual dan dapat dikembalikan di stasiun JR
akan ada potongan 220 yen sebagai biaya refund
2. Pasmo
dijual dan dapat dikembalikan di stasiun Subway (Non JR)
tidak ada potongan biaya saat mengembalikan alias deposit kembali 100%
Saat kamu beli kartu ini untuk pertama kali, 500 yen akan disimpan sebagai deposit. Jadi jika kamu masukan 2000 yen, isinya akan menjadi 1500 yen karena 500 nya dijadikan sebagai deposit. Tapi ga perlu kuatir karena kamu bisa dapetin deposit balik pas kamu balikin kartunya.
Hal penting lainnya adalah pastiin lokasi terakhir kamu sebelum balik dari Liburan. Karena kartu ini hanya bisa dikembalikan di kota Tokyo saja.
Suica dan Pasmo dapat juga digunakan di bus, vending machine, loker dan lainnya.
Kamu juga bisa pakai untuk kereta dan bus di Kyoto dan Osaka.

3. JR Pass
This pass is only eligible for tourist visa and can be bought in other countries except Japan. So if you want to use it, make sure to buy it before you go to Japan. There are 7, 14 and 21 days pass. This pass can be used at all JR lines and even Shinkansen. You cant use it on subway lines.
It really convenient, but also kind of expensive in my opinion. Since the 7 days will cost you around 3.4 million rupiah ($250).
If you plan to travel to other cities and use the shinkansen for at least twice, then it would be worth to buy since one way trip using shinkansen from tokyo-kyoto itself will cost you 1.5 million rupiah ($110), but if you just do it one way, i wouldn't really recommend to buy the JR pass.

Terusan ini hanya berlaku bagi turis dan dapat dibeli di luar Jepang saja. Jadi jika kamu berminat untuk menggunakan JR Pass, pastikan kamu beli sebelum sampai di Jepang. Ada JR Pass berdurasi 7,14 dan 21 hari. Dapat digunakan di semua jalur JR bahkan Shinkansen. Tapi kamu tidak bisa gunakan di jalur subway (Non JR)
Sangat mudah tapi juga lumayan mahal. Karena tiket 7 harinya seharga 3.4 juta rupiah ($250)
Tapi kalau kamu berencana untuk menggunakan shinkansen setidaknya 2 kali baru terusan ini worth to buy. Untuk informasi satu kali jalan dari tokyo-kyoto harganya 1.5 juta rupiah ($110), tapi kalau kalian cuma sekali jalan, aku tidak akan rekomen untuk beli terusan JR ini.

4. Tokyo 24/48/72 hour ticket (Day Pass)
The pass which let you use any of the tokyo metro lines and toei lines (Non JR) unlimited during time allowance you choose.
24 hour: 800 yen (adult); 400 yen (child)
48 hour: 1200 yen (adult); 600 yen (child)
72 hour: 1500 yen (adult); 750 yen (child)
the time will start based on the first time you use it. So if you use it at 10am, it will expired at 10am next day (if buy 24hour one), not at midnight.
Can be bought at Tourist information center at Haneda or Narita Airport.
Please show your passport since it sold only for tourist
There is no LIMIT in how many you want to buy the pass, but the maximum is only 3 day/72 hour pass
So if your plan is 5 days, you can simply buy one of 3day/72hour and one of 2day/48hour
Can only be used in Tokyo.

Terusan ini memperbolehkan kamu menggunakan jalur subway tokyo metro dan toei (Non JR) sepuasnya dalam waktu yang ditentukan.
24 jam: 800 yen (dewasa); 400 yen (anak)
48 jam: 1200 yen (dewasa); 600 yen (anak)
72 jam: 1500 yen (dewasa); 750 yen (anak)
Waktu akan dimulai berdasarkan waktu pertama kali penggunaan. Jadi jika kamu gunain pas jam 10 pagi maka akan habis di 10 pagi hari berikutnya (jika kamu beli yang 24jam), bukan saat tengah malam ya.
Dapat dibeli di Travel atau Tourist Information Center di Haneda atau Narita airport
Tolong tunjukin passport kamu saat pembelian karena ini hanya dijual untuk turis
Tidak ada batas pembelian berapa banyak, tapi maksimalnya hanya terusan 3 hari/72 jam.
Jadi jika kamu berencana untuk bepergian selama 5 hari, kamu tinggal kombinasikan saja beli satu yang 3hari/72jam dan satu yang 2hari/48jam.
Hanya dapat digunakan di Tokyo.

Tourist information center at Haneda Airport

Haneda airport
International Passenger Terminal 2F Arrival Lobby
Tourist Information Center
Open: 5.30am - 1.00am

Narita Airport
Passenger Terminal 1
1F Arrival Lobby
Keisei Bus Ticket Counter
Open: 7.00am - 10.00pm

Passenger Terminal 2
1F Arrival Lobby
Keisei Bus Ticket Counter
Open: 7.00am - 10.00pm

TIPS and TRICK | Tips dan Trik

1. Plan Your Itinerary
how many places are you going to go within one day in Tokyo? How many days are you in tokyo? How many transfer you need?

For myself, i was in Tokyo for more that 3 days, so i bought the 72hour day pass and also IC Card
Since the day pass has expiry date, make sure go to place where can be reached by using Non JR line and put it either 1, 2 or 3 day in a row.
The IC Card itself i use it when there is a destination where i cant use the day pass because not every place can be reached by Non JR lines.

Furthermore, if you want you can also find the accommodation which is located near the Non JR line, will saves you a lot.

Berapa tempat yang akan kamu pergiin dalam kurun waktu 1 hari? Berapa hari di Tokyo?
Berapa kali pindah jalur kereta?

Untuk aku sendiri, waktu itu di Tokyo lebih dari 3 hari jadi aku beli yang terusan 72jam dan juga kartu ic. Karena terusan ini ada masa berlakunya, pastiin kamu jadwalkan pergi ke tempat yang bisa dijangkau oleh jalur non JR, dan urutkan di 1, 2 atau 3 hari berurutan. 
Kartu IC sendiri aku gunain kalau ada tujuan yang tidak bisa dijangkau menggunakan subway (non JR)

How to use Google Maps
1. Choose start point and destination | Pilih titik awal dan tujuan

2. The best route will come out | Rute terbaik akan muncul

3. Choose your option | Pilih opsi kamu
If you want to use your subway pass, choose subway | Jika kamu mau gunain terusan subway, pilih opsi subway

4. Click close, and new route will come out | Klik close, dan rute baru akan muncul

How to differentiate JR and non JR line is to see the shape of the logo beside line name
the square one with 2 letters is JR, meanwhile the round with one letter is subway/ Non JR

Cara bedain jalur JR dan non JR adalah dengan lihat bentuk logo di samping nama jalurnya
yang kotak dengan 2 huruf itu adalah stasiun JR, sedangkan yang bulat dengan 1 huruf adalah subway/ non JR

It is not always subway route that will come out. Sometimes it could be mixed with JR trains which indicates that there is really no subway going through. This is why you also need to have the IC card such as suica or pasmo.

Tidak setiap kali saat kamu pilih opsi subway, yang keluar hanya subway saja. Bila yang keluar bercampur dengan JR maka itu berarti memang tidak ada subway dalam rute tersebut. Di sini lah kenapa kamu tetap harus memiliki IC card seperti suica atau pasmo.

2. Buy Roaming Package or Rent Pocket Wifi
What you need is Google Maps, yes there is a lot of free wifi in Japan but not everywhere.
I would recommend to buy roaming package or just rent a pocket wifi
If you are traveling in group and never separate, its better to use pocket wifi.
One of the pocket wifi you can try is Passpod.
it based in Jakarta, Indonesia
the price is really affordable, but different depends on which cities are you going.
At that time i get 250thousand rupiah for five days in Japan, which can be shared up to 5 person
you can also get the wifi delivered and picked up from your home with only additional 50thousand rupiah. SO DAMN CHEAP right?
for more info, please check their instagram

Yang kalian perlukan adalah Google maps, ya emang banyak wifi gratis di Jepang tapi tidak di semua tempat.
Aku rekomen untuk beli paket roaming atau pinjam pocket wifi
Kalau kamu akan pergi dalam grup dan tidak berpisah satu sama lain, akan lebih baik dan hemat jika menggunakan pocket wifi.
Salah satunya adalah Passpod
Ada di Jakarta, Indonesia.
Harganya pun sangat terjangkau, tapi tergantung kota apa yang kamu tuju.
Waktu itu aku dapat paket 250ribu rupiah untuk 5 hari di Jepang, dan bisa dibagi sampai maksimal 5 orang. Kamu juga bisa minta wifi pocketnya diantar jemput ke rumah kamu dengan cuma tambah 50 ribu rupiah aja. MURAH BANGET kan??
untuk info lebih lanjut, cek instagramnya aja ya di

Other option is buy roaming package
i bought it from Traveloka at that time
what you need to do is simply download the app, choose international data plans.
Then choose what country and how long are you going to stay
At that time i bought the 30day package for Simpati which included 5GB of data. It costed me 350thousand rupiah. Could be more expensive than if you sharing wifi pocket with the group but the benefit is it really helps when you accidentally separated with your friend (and yeah it happens a lot to me, LOL)

Opsi lainnya adalah beli paket roaming
Waktu itu aku beli melalui Traveloka
Carany mudah tinggal download aplikasinya, pilih International Data Plans
Pilih negara yang dituju dan durasi bepergian
Saat itu aku beli paket 30 hari untuk kartu Simpati, dapat data 5GB
Harganya 350ribu rupiah, memang lebih mahal daripada jika kamu sharing wifi pocket tapi keuntungannya adalah ngebantu banget kalau secara tidak sengaja kamu kepisah sama temen atau grup (sering banget kejadian waktu kemarin di Jepang, LOL)

And thats all guys, hope it helps a lot
and please feel free to comment below if you have any other question

Semoga ini bisa membantu banyak
dan silahkan komen di bawah jika ada pertanyaan lain

instagram : @windaverfida
youtube : Winda Verfida

Thursday 9 June 2016

Namaaz Dining Experience

Hello guys!
Actually i was here on March
but due to my busy schedule
i hadn't had time to write the review about this restaurant

So here it is

Namaaz Dining is a molecular gastronomy restaurant located in Senopati
its more like to private restaurant
They basically served Indonesian Food as it signature dishes
They are open from tuesday to sunday and only offered 28 seats each night
so make sure you booked it in advance, and anyway this restaurant requires you to pay in advance as well
For the price itself is 1,15 to 1,25 million rupiah per person which consists of 17 courses
And of course it served on small portions

kinda remind me of Spy Movie back in 2015 lol

So here is the menu list for the night from the first to seventeenth course
FYI, they change the menu every 6-8 months

its not a meat, actually its made of **********, was really delicious, you should tried it yourself
try to guess what it is?
first eat the "meat" then the "egg yolk"

you put the pencil inside the paper, add the wood flakes, then roll it like sushi

so basically all the food here are not as what it looks like or called, more to challenging your tastebud to guess what it is actually

it was tasted like pempek but in extraordinary shape

they put the donut inside the teapot, it turned out to be raw*n daging :P

you can eat the spoon, but please don't eat the snail shell

do you remember the "ada udang di balik batu"???

such an unique course, but sadly i don't like rujak taste, so i didn't finish it

yes, you are allowed to smoke with this special cigarette

one of the most unique creations 

11. PAHA
chicken made of fish??!

a new way to enjoy rendang

super yummy!!!

its the time to wash your mouth :p

15. TETE
the popular kue tete with hint of green tea

16. TEH
a mix of hot & cold tea, A MUST TRY EXPERIENCE!!!

attention: wear the rain poncho before the bomb explode! 

overall, It was worth it to pay for such unique dining experience
however, to be honest, not all food were tasted good
and fyi every time the chef bring the course, the chef will come to the table himself to explain the way to eat it

Namaaz Dining Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Japan Trip day 06 (Universal Studio Japan, Shinsaibashi)

So i'm back again
and finally we reached the day 06 which is my last day in Japan (Osaka)

My first stop was Universal Studio Japan

so it was 15 years anniversary of USJ when i went there
to celebrate it, i heard that they built the new ride called 'The Flying Dinosaur'
it was a super awesome ride, but unfortunately i didn't manage to take any photo of it
If you are curios about it, just try find it on google or youtube
It is one of the recommended rides if you go to USJ

they got this cool game going on, if you are able to press the coke button on the giant vending machine, you will get 2 coke instead of 1 :D you gotta jump jump jump

bought this cute custom coke for 500 yen

banana choco waffle :P

so as you may know that the special thing about USJ is that they got a theme park inside theme park
which is The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
In order to enter the Wizarding World of Harry Potter itself, you have to get another admission, and there will be time schedule for you to be able to go inside
But since i went with the tour, so they have managed it in advance
Like for example, i got the 11.30 a.m - 12.30 p.m schedule
It doesn't mean that you are only allowed to be inside for one hour, but it just mean that you are allowed to enter within this time, if you come too early or too late, you won't be allowed to enter this area

Hogwarts Express

That famous Butterbeer :P

Next stop after USJ, Shinsaibashi
it is a long street filled with shops alongside the way
And guess what i found here!!!

YASSS Pablo cheesecake :P
and also


the alley 
bought milk pie and SUPER SMALL drink

this is SO GOOD :(

a must photo spot

the famous snack you can only buy in Osaka

so to conclude,
it was a super fun trip i had in Japan, so memorable as well
new place, new culture, new language
That's why they said, you should go to new place (city/country you never been before) at least once a year
i just can't wait for any coming trip ahead
Sayonara JAPAN!

gonna miss this cute boy called Ray